This Is Yellowstone knowingYellowstone532

Knowing Yellowstone: A compilation of Yellowstone Science edited by Jerry Johnson

Knowing Yellowstone

Table of Contents

Foreward by John W. Peters and John D. Varley
& Introduction by Jerry Johnson

I. Thinking Big About the Greater Yellowstone
Andy Hansen

II. Mapping the Last Frontier in Yellowstone National Park:
Yellowstone Lake
Lisa A. Morgan, W.C. Pat Shanks

III. Using Yellowstone’s Past to Understand the Future
Cathy Whitlock

IV. Understnding Grizzlies:
Science of the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team
Charles C. Shwartz, Mark A. Haroldson, Kerry A. Gunther

V. Interactions Between Wolves and Elk in the Yellowstone Ecosystem
Scott Creel

VI. Brucellosis in Cattle, Bison and Elk:
Management Conflicts in a Society with Diverse Values
Paul C. Cross, Mike R. Ebinger, Victoria Patrek, Rick Wallen

VII. Fisheries Science and Management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem:
Ensuring Good Fishing by Preserving Healthy Ecosystems
Alexander V. Zale

VIII. If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Manage It:
An Ecological Approach to Weed Management
Bruce D. Maxwell, Lisa J. Rew

IX. Yellowstone Extremeophiles:
The Life of Heat-Loving Microbes
Mark Young, Jennifer Fulton

X. The Science of Storytelling:
Policy Marketing and Wicked Problems in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Elizabeth A. Shanahan, Mark K. McBeth